HannoverJS August: Metalsmith Talk

I gave a little introductory talk about Metalsmith at last month’s HannoverJS. You can find the slides here: Source Presentation

Metalsmith Part 3: Refining Our Tools

Last time we took a dive into collections and Metalsmiths internals. This time we are going to refine our script and even develop our own little plugin. Without wasting any time, let’s get started! Writing Plugins I am going to start this tutorial off with a little plugin, that will save us a time, and automate our build process further. In order to render our posts correctly, we have to set every posts template individually. Read more...

Metalsmith Part 2: Shaping The Metal

In my last post I talked about the basic structure of a Metalsmith project and showed you the basics, like templating and plugin installation/configuration. This time we are going to delve further into the subject and look at some Metalsmith internals. The full source code for this part of the tutorial can be found here Content Types Firstly we will need to determine, what kind of content we want to create, or rather, its type. Read more...

Metalsmith Part 1: Setting Up the Forge

In my last article I gave a brief introduction to Metalsmith, a simple, pluggable static site generator written in JavaScript. In this tutorial I want to show, what a basic folder structure for Metalsmith could look like and we will also set up the basic build script. The source code for this tutorial can be found here. You will need Node.js and NPM. To find out, how to install them check the official documentation. Read more...

Getting To Know Metalsmith

There are dozens of static site generators out there. The most popular is probably Jekyll, and for good reasons! It’s super easy to set up, has a lot of great features built in and there are a loads of plugins floating around. It’s also the engine powering GitHub Pages, GitHub’s static site hosting for projects and users (this site too, is hosted on GH-Pages, you can find the source code here). Read more...